TEDxUAMonticello will happen on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at the UAM Fine Arts Center, Doors will open at 5:30pm and the event will run from 6pm-9pm. There will be a raffle of $200 of gift cards to local businesses. The event’s theme is “Planting Roots, Growing Higher,” as speakers will both dig deeper into old ideas and show how new ones grow out of them. The speakers will present a wide range of ideas designed to challenge the audience to think differently. From giving former prisoners a second chance to the enduring qualities of Nintendo’s music, audience members will be exposed to a number of new concepts. Between speakers, there will be a raffle of $200 of gift cards to local businesses.
Tickets can be reserved at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tedxuamonticello-2019-tickets-57751649739